Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Last Week's Morning Messages  

Monday, November 18th, 2019


Dear Students:

      We have awoken again, so let us today find and experience "The Joy of Learning!"

     First, you think about, in what you figure we will do today and this week, where and in what you will feel "The Joy of Learning."

     Then I will tell you all that is happening today and this week, and as I am doing this, THINK, from what I tell you, as I am doing this, FEEL, from what I tell you, as I am telling it, in what you will find and experience "The Joy of Learning."

     Hold your thoughts, and then we'll discuss everyone's ideas.


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, November 19th, 2019


Dear Students:

      In school we squeeze in as much learning as is possible in the hours, minutes, and seconds we are in class together.

     Let your joy be full in you, as you feel the new learning, as you expand and expand and expand, like a balloon, your knowledge, understandings, and abilities. Feel deeply in the stories we read; follow the experiences of the characters. Strive to get the right answers in Math; be amazed and surprised at significant events of history!

     Enjoy one another's company as you try your best, and be not one to "pop the balloon" of our expanding "Joy of Learning!"


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, November 20th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Sometimes our learning depends only on our own self, how much effort, energy, and enthusiasm we put into it.

     Sometimes our learning depends on everyone around us, how focused as a group we are, and if everyone is doing their part for the whole learning process.

     We have so much to experience here in Classroom 16! Do your part to do each step, each lesson, with effort, energy, and enthusiasm, and strive for excellence! Then together we'll have a great day and great year together!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, November 21th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Besides the "community" of our great Classroom, you belong to the community of Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy. And too, you belong in the "community" of Vallejo, the "community" of California, the "community" of the United States of America, and the "community" of Planet Earth!

     In each "community" to which you belong, you have obligations therein, that is, you have duties and responsibilities. Let's talk about these varying obligations of each community.


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, November 22th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Let me be the first to wish you:

     "Happy Thanksgiving!"

     This is the annual time of year that people in the United States pause to reflect upon what they are grateful for.

      Let us too, then, take a bit of time this morning to do the same together in pleasant conversation.


           Mr. Stathis